Monday, March 24, 2014

Malaysian missing plane: qui bono? The death of four passengers benefits US corporation

Apparently four of the Chinese passengers are co-holders of a key semiconductor patent along with their employer Freescale Semiconductor, a Texas company detached from Motorola in 2004 and owned by Jacob Rotschild, the main heir of the infamous bourgeois dynasty.

These Chinese workers Peidong Wang, Zhijun Chen, Zhijong Cheng and Li Ying, all them native to Suzhou (near Shanghai) held each 20% of the patent rights, while the rest belonged to their employer, Frescale. All them traveled in the missing airplane, which was probably diverted to the US-UK base of Diego García.

According to the patent agreement, if any of the co-owners would die, its share would revert to the others. In this case the only beneficiary remaining "alive" is the company Freescale. 

Source: Votaire Network[es], citing Russia Today.

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