Monday, March 24, 2014

Spain: protests continue gripping Madrid in spite of police

A large demonstration has gripped Madrid again, following the massive one of Saturday. Thousands have marched following the morning assembly's decision to the iconic Puerta del Sol plaza, where they have been confronted by riot police. Last minute negotiations have allowed the march to "walk around the plaza" but, as the police had taken all access, it became stuck inside it (kettling?)

Some protesters have detached themselves from the main march and blocked the Gran Vía (main artery of Madrid) several times in spite of intense police repression. 

The leit motiv of the protests today has been the victims of police repression and the demand that they are immediately set free. 

Tomorrow Monday it was scheduled (with official authorization) a protest surrounding the stock market (La Bolsa) but with the pretext of the state funeral for the former Prime Minister Adolfo Suárez, the government has forbidden it.

Source: La Haine[es] (link 1, link 2).

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